Concentration: The key to success in the poison

Ability to focus on the game and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli – one of the main ones in the poker. Gipsyteam portal talked with several top regular regular.

Arthur Martirosyan

I try to do something unrelated to your computer before the game. However, I do not usually have a specific preparation for the session. The browser on the second monitor is open almost always, even when I play a lot of tournaments. Forums and social networks during the game I look often, but youtube or series – rarely. Music listening constantly, playing in silence I’m not very comfortable. During a break in tournaments, I can do some exercise or even take a quick shower. The main recipe is to sleep well before the session. If you feel that you can not focus, then you should turn off everything unnecessary and as much as possible to concentrate on the game, think deeper about each handing, plunge into the poker completely. If I feel that I am starting to sleep in sleep, I drink black tea, take a cold shower and try to keep a low temperature in the room.


I don’t do anything special before the session. Previously, I was actively meditation, but now I just get ready for the game and stretch – I check whether everything is normal (light, sound, camera …). Music during the session does not distract me, but on the contrary soothes, because I am quite nervous in myself.

If during the game, something gets out and there is a little time – I try to abstract. Go out on the balcony, look at the sun as people rest under the window and somehow becomes ashamed that I am paired through all kinds of nonsense. So I calm down.

Virtually nothing to them during the game, because it immediately appears fatigue and cease to think normally. But I drink everything in a row and a lot – tea, coffee, mineral water.


I usually play two sessions – I wake up before the first one, I am charging and sitting at the tables. I have breakfast already while playing. When I play then I have only tables open. Previously listened to music constantly, and now – only when it becomes a little boring, or there are few tables.

Standard session duration is 3 – 3.5 hours. I play two such approaches a day with a break of three hours. During the game I drink only water, the desire to have a snack for the most part does not. Maximum – a dates and nuts beam.


Concentration is something that allows you to realize the skills you own. Myself I am faced with this problem constantly, but to solve it completely yet. During the session you need to remove YouTube, series and forums are 100%. And the following steps to improve concentration are already from the field of psychological training. If the speed of thought is high then the concentration will be spent less. I have a low speed of thinking, so after every session I feel like squeezed lemon. Ways to solve allegedly simple – an increase in the level of play skills and improvement of psychology and control of emotions.